How You Can Help!

There are different ways you can help SAFE reach more children.


We accept donations of new and gently used stuffed animals from local residents, community drives, and even out of state.

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Our amazing volunteers sort donations, wash, sanitize, and package each plush for their journey to a new child.

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Our goal is to help as many children as possible. Our partners provide stuffed animals to children in need within the community.

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About Us

SAFE Wisconsin is a chapter of Stuffed Animals for Emergencies. SAFE is a non-profit 501(c)3 charity organization that collects, cleans and distributes stuffed animals (plush) to hundreds of partners in Wisconsin and Illinois.

We are located between Chicago and Milwaukee in the town of Raymond (Caledonia, WI). Our location just off of i94.

Our goals is to ensure that every child that is going through a traumatic experience has access to a clean and comfy stuffed animal. We have heard stories of how much of an impact something as simple as a stuffed animal has had in the life of a child in a terrible situtation. We thank you for your consideration in supporting our mission.

Why Stuffed Animals?

Each and every day, children experience traumatic events that change their lives forever. At SAFE, we realize that something as simple as a stuffed animal can offer comfort and a much needed distraction from the expereinces the child is going through. Stuffed animals are soft, cuddly, and easy to transport no matter where the child's journey takes them.

Providing such services would be impossible without the support of our wonderful volunteers and generous donors. We truly appreciate everyone who helps us to provide for the most vunerable in our communitie.

Help Us Reach More Kids

We are always looking to partner with business in communities through out Wisconsin and Northern Illionois to act as drop off centers for SAFE donations. A SAFE representative would typically collect all donations 2-3 times per month. Contact us for more information!

Religious Institutions

Churches, Sinagogs, Mosques, and others

Schools & Childcare Locations

Clubs, Organizations, Teams

Local Businesses

Salons, Gift Shops, Industrial

Host A Drive

Find out how you can make an impact for your community!

Step 1: Plan

A drive is a great way to support your community. Plan a date and prepare to run your drive for about 2 weeks. Advertise online, in newsletters, or by knocking on doors and contacting friends and family.

Step 2: Collect

During the two week period, collect donations and monitor your collection sites. Place items in clear garbage bags as needed. Be sure to continue advertising your drive.

Step 3: Sort & Schedule

Donated plush should be free of rips & tears and heavy staining. Discard any damaged plush. All stuffs will be washed or UV santized. Do not remove any tags. Sort like items in clear garbage bags and contact us for drop off.


If you would like more information on SAFE please contact us through one of the following methods.

(414) 485-4609‬

Caledonia, WI 53108
Kenosha, WI 53144

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us and we will get back to you.